Doc. # 1-0002789
Date Updated 09-24-2004 Date Created 07-27-2000
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product GeniDAQ/ PCL-818L
Why the sampling rate of PCL-818L can't exceed 1KHz under VisiDAQ 3.1?
PCL-818L hardware supports up to 40KHz sampling rate, but the problem is how the software can support this rate. For high speed DAQ, the software program need to utilize the on-board DMA/interrupt data transfer to achieve max. performance. But Genie 3.0 doesn't support DMA/interrupt data transfer rate for our boards, so it's not possible to get 1KHz sampling rate in Genie. In our 32-bit DLL drviers, we have some DMA or INT examples that demo how to write VC++/VB/Delphi programs to achieve high speed DAQ. For your high speed sampling rate application, you mighr need to use our DLL driver and developed your own program.