Doc. # 1-0002502
Date Updated 06-01-2004 Date Created 07-27-2000
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product PCI-1713
Will that fact that NT is a Multi-Tasking O/S affect the sampling rate of PCI-1713?
Running Windows NT 4 will not affect the sampling rate of the DA&C Cards in the system. Windows NT operating is a preemptive multitasking operating system with security and networking built in to the operating system. Windows NT uses layering and a client/server model to build its environmental subsystems. In a general-purpose operating system, issues of fairness are more important than throughput and efficiency. Consider a general-purpose, multitasking operating system (such as Windows NT) that is running several user applications. Although some applications (foreground tasks) might be more important than others (background tasks), it is important that no application is starved for CPU time. To achieve this goal, a process is given a certain amount of time, and then the CPU turns its attention to another process, regardless of what it is doing at the time. Although this procedure might be more democratic and fair, it has an adverse effect on the system throughput, especially when critical processes are interrupted.