Doc. # 1-0002647
Date Updated 07-27-2005 Date Created 07-27-2000
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product 32-bit DLL Drivers
Is there any possibility to export /import the device installation of user's DLL Driver?
Actually, the 32-bit DLL drivers don't provide such feature. However, GiniDAQ do have. So we enhance such function for 32-bit DLL drivers. User can copy the following files to support this function. adsdeviceinstall.exe, adsiodriver.dll and uniReg.dll into the same directory adscom.ini, adsio.ini and adscan.ini into the Windows directory Then run the ADSDeviceInstall.exe program. It allows you to configure, install and export/import the device configuration.
Download File Release Date Download Site
UniReg.dll (KM-MHUG-4G57EC) 07-26-2000
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
Adscom.ini (KM-MHUG-4G57EC) 07-26-2000
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
ADSDeviceInstall.exe (KM-MHUG-4G57EC) 07-26-2000
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
Adsio.ini (KM-MHUG-4G57EC) 07-26-2000
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
ADSIODriver.dll (KM-MHUG-4G57EC) 07-26-2000
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
Adscan.ini (KM-MHUG-4G57EC) 07-26-2000
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary