Doc. # 1-0002725
Date Updated 01-22-2004 Date Created 07-27-2000
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product ADAM-4000
How can we force ADAM module back to its initialize state again?
Basically, the WATCHDOG function just use for monitoring CPU, not for communication. So, this feature can't meet your request. Actually, the CPU itself offer the WDT (Watch Dog Timer) function. The interval is around 1 second. Further, we also add a extra WDT chip to improve this function. The interval is around 1.6 second. Apart from AI modules use EXTERNAL WDT chip, all the modules only use the INTERNAL WDT function. A watchdog timer supervisory function will automatically reset ADAM-4000 series modules, reducing the need for maintenance. That's means if CPU doesn't reset the WDT within a specific interval, the WDT will reset the CPU automatically.