Doc. # 1-0000197
Date Updated 07-27-2005 Date Created 07-27-2000
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product PCL-814B
Some information about PCL-814/814B/PCL-816.
The comparison among PCL-814, PCL-814B and PCL-816 is shown as follows: 1. PCL-814 (very old, phase out) If DB-37 connector of carrier board is on the right side, slot1 and slot2 connectors are located at the top side. This product includes A/D module (PCL-81401) 2. PCL-814B (newer than PCL-814, phase out) If DB-37 connector of carrier board is on the right side, slot1 and slot2 connectors are located at the bottom side. This product includes A/D module (PCL-81401) 3. PCL-816 If DB-37 connector of carrier board is on the right side, slot1 and slot2 connectors are located at the bottom side. This product includes A/D module (PCL-81601) 4. The carrier board of PCL-814 is different from PCL-814B (Actually, PCL-814B and PCL-816 use the same carrier board, the difference is A/D module, PCL-81401 is 14 bit, PCL-81601 is 16 bit) 5. PCLS-VBX-6 supports PCL-814B and PCL-816 only, not for PCL-814.