Doc. # 1-0000393
Date Updated 10-22-2007 Date Created 07-27-2000
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product POS-562
How to use PCM-3110A on POS-562?
To use PCMCIA card on POS-562, you need prepare a PCMCIA carrier module first. It can be either ISA (PCD-897) or PC/104 (PCM-3110A or PCM-3112) module. There is an PISA bus on POS-562 can be used to plug in the PCMCIA carrier modules. If you use PCD-897, then you can direct plug in the PISA bus. If you use PCM-3110A, then you need a ISA to PC/104 converter. Advantech does not have product can provide this function, One way to do it is use an empty half size CPU card ( without any part on board) with only PC/104 socket on. This board can be use as a ISA to PC/104 converter. Then, you can plug in PCM-3110A or PCM-3112 on the board. Finally you plug in this card to the PISA bus. However, if you want to install POS-562 to POS-808 or 815, this conver board is too high to the case. Therefore you need use POS-102 to make the converter form perpendicular to the PISA to 90 degree to the slot. To test the PCMCIA card, you can use Card oft 3.1 or Cardmaster test in DOS-6.22 Please refer the the attached installation guide.