Doc. # 1-0003357
Date Updated 07-07-2005 Date Created 07-27-2000
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product PCA-6154
Floppy and network problem
PCA-6154 BIOS default setting cause two errors: 1. Floppy access error: Floppy sometimes access fail. 2. Network transfer error: For big file transfer, sometimes fail or hang the system. Please correct the BIOS CMOS setting according to follow procedures: For Floppy error: 1. LOAD SETUP DEAFAULT in BIOS CMOS setup. For network tranfer error: 1.LOAD SETUP DEFAULT for BIOS CMOS setting 2. Diable "Auto Configuration" in CHIPSET FEATURES SETUP. 3. Change "Refresh Cycle Time" CHIPSET FEATURES SETUP to 15.6 4. Use Windows 95 and Windows NT drivers in the \NDIS4 directory of the P.S. The V1.21 BIOS has corrected the BIOS setting problem.