Doc. # 1-5036248581
Date Updated 07-11-2024 Date Created 12-05-2022
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product WISE-4010/LAN/ WISE-4010LAN/ WISE-4012/ WISE-4012E/ WISE-4050/ WISE-4050/LAN/ WISE-4050LAN/ WISE-4051/ WISE-4060/ WISE-4060/LAN/ WISE-4060LAN
How to connect Mosquitto with WebSocket & TLS by using iSensing MQTT
This document shows that how to connect with Mosquitto broker and make sure WISE uploads data (PUSH notification) successfully and utilize 3rd party MQTT tool to monitor the pushed data. This document shows iSensing MQTT architecture of WISE-4000, and there are four options the user can choose, including with WebSocket or not and with TLS or not. And this document will focus on using iSensing MQTT with WebSocket & TLS
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ICG_FAQ WISE-4000 How to Connect Mosquitto with WebSocket & TLS Protocol by using iSensing MQTT 20221128.pdf (Document) 12-05-2022
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary (Mosquitto For WISE-4000) 12-05-2022
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary