Doc. # 1-5692837512
Date Updated 07-22-2024 Date Created 07-22-2024
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product WISE-R311
How to Upgrade Advantech LNS Docker Container on IPC plugged with WISE-R311 by Patch File
To use the WISE-R311, you'll need a computer with a miniPCIe slot to install the WISE-R311 module. Then, if the user has built up Advantech LNS (LoRa Network Service) Docker Container and want to upgrade the version, the user can use a Patch file to upgrade the Advantech LNS. This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to upgrade Advantech LNS. We will use a Patch File to upload on Advantech LNS, and complete upgrading process
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ICWG_How to Upgrade Advantech LNS Docker Container on IPC plugged with WISE-R311 by Patch File.pdf (0) 07-22-2024
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