Doc. # 1-9279034
Date Updated 06-02-2004 Date Created 10-23-2001
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product GeniDAQ
How to use the Viewport in GeniDAQ
The Viewport is a VB script command, you can read the function description document in the path C:\Program Files\Advantech\GeniDAQ\ScriptPDF . For the Viewport, there three function supported. Viewport.close Viewport.clear You can learn the function in the document as well as the examples. If you put the Viewport script in the task body it will be executed continuously and never stop until you push stop. The Viewport is not design for continuously be execute. We will suggest you put the related script code in the main script or the pre-task, and it will execute once. You can add a main scrip by the File->Add/Delete->Add main script.