Doc. # 1-00000119
Date Updated 10-26-2018 Date Created 09-12-2017
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product
What does DTE and DCE mean?
RS232 Serial connections have two distinct orientations. One is DTE, Data Terminal Equipment, pinned out like a PC Com port. The other is DCE, Data Communications Equipment, Pinned out like a Modem.These two orientations are opposite of each other, in that the same pins that are outputs on one type are inputs on the other type. So pin 3 is TX, and is an Output on a DTE device, it is also TX, but is an input on a DCE device.Same is true for RTS, and DTR which are Outputs on a DTE device, and inputs on a DCE device.The reverse is also true. The Outputs on a DCE device are RX, CTS, and DSR, and these are inputs on a DTE device. See the White Paper below for more details.