Doc. # 1-00000161
Date Updated 10-26-2018 Date Created 09-12-2017
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
What is the recommended Signal Strength and Noise Floor on the GhostBridge5?
The ideal signal strength on the Main configuration tab for the GhostBridge5 is between -50 to -60dBm for both chains (Horizontal/Vertical), with the Noise Floor down in the -90's. Obviously, the lower the Noise Floor the better, but a minimum of 25dBm SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) should be maintained. A Signal Strength hotter (higher) than -45 will potentially over saturate the receivers and cause wireless link failures. This is usually caused by the radios not having adequate separation between each other.The output power is set to full (27dBm) by default on both radios. If necessary, use the Output Power slider on the Wireless Tab to obtain a Signal Strength as close to -55dBm as possible. The Horizontal/Vertical chain signal values on the Node should always closely match. If there are variations of more than 3dBm, that usually indicates signal obstruction due to Fresnel Zone encroachment which will adversely affect performance.
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GB5_SNR.jpg (GhostBridge Signal Strength Indicator) 09-14-2017
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
GB5 Power.jpg (Ghostbridge Power Slider) 09-14-2017
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary