Doc. # 1-00000207
Date Updated 10-26-2018 Date Created 09-12-2017
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product 854-10619/ 854-10620/ 854-10621/ 854-10622/ 854-10623/ 854-10624/ 854-10625/ 854-10626/ 854-10627/ 854-10641/ 855-10619/ 855-10620/ 855-10622/ 855-10623/ 855-10624/ 855-10625/ 855-10626/ 855-10627/ 855-10641
How to Choose a Fiber Media Converter?
1) Will you be needing management capabilities? 2) What is the line speed on the Copper and Fiber sides of your application? Possible line speeds are the following: 10, 100, 1000, 10/100, 10/100/1000 Mbps 3) Do you need a product that supports Auto Negotiation only (PNP) or one that also offers a FORCE mode? 4) Are you looking for Dual-Strand (one for Transmit & one for Receive) or Single-Strand (Transmit and Receive on the same Fiber Line) Fiber devices? 5) What type of distance are you needing for your application? 6) What are you power requirements? For example, are you needing AC or DC or an internal or external power supply? 7) What type of connectors are you looking for? ST (Stick And Turn), SC (Stick And Click) or SFP (Small-Form Pluggable) 8) What Fiber Mode and Wavelengths are you needing for your application? Single-Mode (SM) at 1310 or 1550 Nanometers Multi-Mode (MM) at 850 or 1300 Nanometers CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing) from 1430 to 1610 Nanometers