Doc. # 1-00000237
Date Updated 10-26-2018 Date Created 09-12-2017
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product VESP211-232/ VESR901
What is the status of the RTS line when the Vlinx boxes are set for RS-232
The VESRxxx and VESP211-232 boxes will have the RTS line set high, ( plus voltage state). This status does not change when a VComm port is opened, or when a Socket connection is opened. The older models, ESP211, ESP90x, and ESR90x work differently. They set the RTS line in a negative state, and when a Vcom or Socket connection is opened, it goes to a plus state. Then goes back to a negative voltage state, when the socket is closed. This may cause the newer VESxxxx units to behave differently than the older units, depending on what the end equipment is looking for.