Doc. # 1-00000342
Date Updated 10-26-2018 Date Created 09-12-2017
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product 232SPS2
Can you please provide more info regarding the serial to parallel data conversion of the 232SPS2?
General operation: The 232SPS2 looks for serial data on Pin 2 (TD). When data is received, it is placed in a buffer inside the 232SPS2. When the parallel device is ready, the data byte is loaded onto the parallel data lines. The Strobe line is then brought low Buffer: 96 bytes Serial Handshaking: The 232SPS2 will lower serial connector pins 5, 6, and 8 when the buffer fills. It will also send the XOFF (13 Hex) character out PIN 3 of the serial connector if the buffer is full and it is set for XON/XOF. When the buffer empties, pins 5, 6, and 8 will be set back high and the XON (11 Hex) character will be sent on PIN 3. Parallel Handshaking: The 232SPS2 will strobe data out the parallel side as long as the Busy line is low. The 232SPS2 does not use the ACK line at all in Serial to Parallel mode. Strobe pulse width out: 3.25 micro-seconds Data rate: If data is in the buffer, the maximum strobe rate is every 30 micro-seconds, otherwise, if the busy line never goes high the strobe rate will directly relate to the serial Baud rate.