Doc. # 1-00000553
Date Updated 10-26-2018 Date Created 09-12-2017
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product ABDG-BR-DP501/ ABDG-BR-IN5010/ ABDG-ET-DP501/ ABDG-ET-IN5010/ ABDG-SE-DP501/ ABDG-SE-IN5410/ ABDG-SE-IN5420/ APMG-Q551/ APXG-Q5420/ WLNG-AN-DP501/ WLNG-AN-DP551/ WLNG-ET-/ WLNG-ET-DP551/ WLNG-SE-DP551
How do I update the password on several AIrborne devices I have already uploaded a template to?
The most effective way to handle password changes is with AMC version 0.92 or later. Follow this procedure: 1) Go to the template which manages the configuration of modules on the network. 2) Right-click the template, and navigate to edit your user config, then go to the Advanced settings tab. 3) Change the passwords as desired, and click [OK]. 4) Apply the template to the modules on your network. Right-click on the template, select Template Management, then Apply Template to Assigned Devices. 5) When the job has completed, the modules will have the new passwords. However, the passwords will still be visible in the Template itself (AMC retains them instead of clearing them out in case the template needs to be re-applied toother modules). 6) When all modules have the new passwords, you can clear out the passwords from the Template for security purposes. Go back to edit the template's User Config, Advanced Settings, and delete the passwords, then click [OK].