Doc. # 1-00000063
Date Updated 10-26-2018 Date Created 09-12-2017
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product MESR901/ MESR901-MC/ MESR901-MT/ MESR901-SC/ MESR902T/ MESR921/ MESR922T
Can the MESR units be set up so that the Modbus TCP side is the slaves?
Yes, if you designate the Serial port connection as being connected to a Modbus Master, then it assumes that the Modbus TCP side is the Slaves.The IP address of the Modbus TCP Slaves can be entered into the Modbus Slave Routing section of the Setup. The Modbus TCP side does not have to be the slaves. for example if you have a two port unit, then the slaves can be Modbus RTU connected to the other port.