Doc. # 1-00000686
Date Updated 10-26-2018 Date Created 09-12-2017
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product VESP211/ VESP211-232/ VESP211-232-UK/ VESP211-485/ VESP211-485-UK/ VESP211-UK
What does the AMBER LED mean on the VESP211
The Ready LED will momentarily go in an AMBER color during Boot-up. If the VESP211 hangs during boot-up, the ready LED may come on as solid AMBER. This is an error condition. Try Resetting the unit back to factory defaults and connect directly to the ethernet on the PC and try to set up the unit again. If the LED is still a solid Amber the unit will have to be sent in for repair. If the VESP211 is set for DHCP, and is not connected to a network with a DHCP server, then the AMBER LED will come on solid for a more extended period of time, before going to green. The Ready LED will momentarily come on as AMBER when going into and out of Console Mode, before turning green. VESP211 VESP211-232 VESP211-485.