Doc. # 1-00000837
Date Updated 10-26-2018 Date Created 09-12-2017
Document Type Knowledge Base Related OS
Related Product ZP8D-24RM-LR/ ZZ8D-NA-LR/ ZZ8D-NB-LR/ ZZ8D-NC-LR/ ZZ8D-ND-LR
What is the 10% duty Cycle
ZLinx 868Mhz Duty Cycle Due to the single- channel band , to prevent excessive interference between radios , regulations require radios to not exceed a 10% transmission Duty cycle. This means that the radio can only be transmitting 10% of the time. This impacts how fast an application can send data through th eradio. The B&B Electronics 868 radio has an RF data rate of 24Kbps. Since the radio can only be transmitting 10% of the time, serial data sent continuoulsy with no spacing between bytes ( an unusual application), the maximum serial data rate would be 2400 baud. If a user sends continuous serial data faster than 2400 baud, the duty cycle will be exceeded and the radio will lower the CTS line and stop transmitting until the throughput falls below the 10% limit. The duty cycle is calculated continuously over a rolling one hour period. For thermal management, if the radio temperature exceeds 60 degrees C, the duty cycle will be managed over a rolling one second period. While the above scenario illustrates the duty cycle restrictions, it's not typical to an industrial application.